Summer Smiles in the Phillip Island Sun
What’s a girl to do when she’s written a love story.
Share it with a friend, that’s what.
Only, my dear friend is not just a reader. She’s a reviewer and all round fabulous person with a heart for supporting authors.
Rel Mollet (go find her and show her some love – link here) and I share a wonderful sister bond. So when I decided to self-publish, Rel strapped herself into the rollercoaser beside me.
Like a faithful, God-sent hand from above, Rel rolled up her sleeves.
“Buckle up, baby,” she said.
And then pulled out the whiteboard and markers and FORCED me, yes forced me, to take a long hard look at my many options, my chicken-hearted fears, and my deep held desires.
In February 2015, on a sunny weekend at Phillip Island, we mapped out a strategy for the year ahead which cemented my self publishing foundation. Carry Me Home was a fully written book already but I had loads to do to clothe it for market.
With the aid of delicious food, hours in the water and mandatory movie watching, the plan came together. 2015 was to be the year.
And thank God we were only in February. I had a to-do list the size of a whiteboard.
But it was only February… and the water still warm… which begs the question:
Is that Dotti, the hard working author, splashing around in the waters of Phillip Island… or the equally hard woking Rel Mollet?
As we say in Australia…. What do you reckon?