My Honey-Girl ~ cover model for Carry Me Home
With April weather most suitable for a photo shoot, our little crew of four headed out to make the cover magic happen. And Phillip Island responded with fabulous weather and sublime skies.
Sophie, my daughter, Rel Mollet, world’s best VA, and me, the author… did what we were told.
The real boss this day, was Jason Lau (Jason Lau Photography) who threw himself into the task of capturing all three heroines on location, on the very island where their fictional lives took shape.
Only this time, it was real and I was looking at my girl in historical costume, ankle deep in the shallows with the sun just starting to drop behind her.
And now, in her purple skirt … she was Finella Mayfield.
Much of the photography for later covers was taken on the beautiful property of Glen Isla House and its heritage listed gardens ~ the inspiration for books 2 and 3. (more about that later)
But it was on the beach where I’d built sandcastles with my babies… that the cover for Carry Me Home came to life.
Sadly, the thrill of our on location photo shoot diminished when we discovered later that day, that while Sophie traipsed around the island in beautiful costumery, The Costume Factory from where we’d hired all her outfits, had fallen at the hands of arsonists. Completely burned to the ground in a senseless attack. A heartbreaking end to a day which otherwise had captured more than I expected. All that was left of the extensive collection in Flemington, was what was out on hire that weekend. Including the costumes we’d carried over the island all day.