editing, proofreading, and formatting


In August, Carry Me Home received it’s final, full, deep editing.

This came after three weeks with the wonderful Margie Lawson from Denver, and her dear husband, Tom, who visited with us to run two Deep Editing Immersions and attend the RWAust conference in Melbourne.

Armed with the trusty Margie Lawson highlighting arsenal, I took my manuscript apart, page by page.


Each scene, each sentence, each word went through the refining fire of ruthless editing. A process which took close to a month to complete.

When I was done, I didn’t want to see a fluro marker or the story again. (Yes, this happens. It’s an author thing. We do recover but there are times we never want to look at the multi-highlighted pages EVER AGAIN.)

Thankfully, the fabulous Rel Mollet was on on hand to proofread one last time before Carry Me Home went off to the experts in Bangkok for print version and digital formatting.



The editing process…delete, swap, add.


One week into the final editing and the sticky notes were stacking up!


Two weeks into editing… and I was running out of sticky notes.


Week three… and that could possibly be blood on the title page.


Done! Highlighted, annotated… now to apply to the version on my laptop!


Printed… ready for Rel Mollet to proofread once last time.